Monday, November 3, 2008

Undecided - The ability to listem

Okay so I voted. No i'm not gonna say who for. I have been going back and forth debating internally who to vote for. I can make a good case for both front running candidates.

The more I read the different arguments the more I become convinced that those writing them are quite firm in their opinions and not very well poised to see the other side of the debate.

It reminds me of the story of Reb Chaim brought in "The Rav" (Rabbi Rakeffet) pg. 227

Of course i'm nowhere near the level of Reb Chaim but nevertheless sometimes it is a fun excersize to try and see more than one side of things. Then again sometimes the easiest thing to do is just have someone dictate your choice.

A friend told me that if I can't decide then just don't vote. Personally I feel that an unsure and hesitant but well thought out position is certainly no worse than a biased sure thing stand on the issues.

There should be an social equivalent to the Fluctuation Dissipation Theorem of Statistical physics which would allow me to determine my linear response to perturbations based on my fluctuation level.

BTW - I think it is much too early to speculate on effects of election one candidate on the upcoming Israeli elections. Voters are not quite that easy to influence have very short term memory and many times such attempts can produce the opposite effect.

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