Monday, October 27, 2008

Music Roundup

We'll start with a music related post b/c there are just too many serious things going on.
I think music is a window int the soul so i'll give you a sneak peak inside mine.
Last night was Kol Chai Radio's yearly music roundup.
First, I must say that they did do a fine job. It is no easy job selecting the best especially in a year so full of great jewish music.

They hit the nail spot on with the "Album of the Year" choice - I would have been pretty surprised had they not chosen the Eighth Note which is a head above everyone else despite the fact that this year everyone else were also, well above par.

This choice left the door wide open for "Singer of the Year" since the eigth note does not exclusively feature anyone specific. In my personal opinion a strong case could be made for any one of the trio - Shuli Rad, Yonatan Razel or Meir Banai who all put out amazing disks this year (Yidel or Lipa would have been fine choices too). They went with Shuli Rand which is as I stated a great choice but slightly surprising given the fact that on their list none of his songs made it to the top 25 (I would have put 2-3).

My main divergence is in the song list which vastly differs from theirs. In fact most of my favorites were nowhere on their list and in the top ten only two songs are the same. I can't blame them for putting Meidad in first it is really quite a nice and very popular song but I hereby present to you my alternative view of how things should have gone:

1) K'shoshana - Katz, Razel, Chaim Dovid
2) The Letter - Dovid Gabay
3) Pnei Elai - Mordechai Yitzhar

4) Veatem Hadeveikim - Yonatan Razel
5) Nekuda Tovah - Shuli Rand
6) Lev Echad - Yidel Werdiger
7) Ma Yakar - Shlomie Shabbat and Halehakah

8) Beshivtecha - The Eigth Note
9) Ayelet Chen - Meir Banai
10) Al Naharot Bavel - Meidad Tassa

Note: Kol Chai's full list can be found here. My list is a bit slower paced I think but thats just my personal take on things.

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